100% Application Success Rate Apply For a Work Licence

Eligibility Criteria
No Prior Disqualifications
Held A Valid Licence
Reading Below 0.15
Were Not Driving for Work Purposes at The Time
Have Not Previously Held a Restricted Licence
Restricted Work Licences
Apply For a Work Licence
Information on when you can apply for a Work Licence, how it may benefit you, and why you should engage a lawyer.
What Charges Allow You to Apply for A Work Licence?
- You may be eligible to apply for a Work Licence during your licence disqualification for a charge of driving with a blood alcohol concentration (drink driving) or driving with a relevant drug in your system (drug driving).
When Do You Make an Application for A Work Licence?
- You must make your application at the time the Court sentences you for drink or drug driving. You only have one chance to apply for a work licence, i.e., if your application is unsuccessful, you cannot apply again.
Is It Worth Applying for A Work Licence?
- Drink driving offences and drug driving offences carry mandatory minimum periods of disqualification. For a first offence only, these periods range from 1-6 months depending on your situation. For subsequent offences, the minimum disqualification period can increase to over 12 months. If losing your licence for this period will cause you to lose your job, this may cause you extreme hardship. A Work Licence may save you and your family from financial ruin and allow you to earn a livelihood.
Is My Application More Likely to Be Successful with a Lawyer?
- The Courts want to see that you consider an offence to be serious. You can show this with appropriate preparation of your application and sentence material. By engaging one of our lawyers your affidavits will include all necessary information, we will advise you on driving courses to undertake regarded by the Courts, you will receive direction on obtaining character references, and your lawyer will be in Court to speak on your behalf and answer any of the Magistrate’s questions. You application is much more likely to succeed with the help of an experienced lawyer.
Appearing In Court Take AW Drink Driving Lawyers
We charge a fixed fee for Work Licence Applications. This includes drafting your affidavits and appearing at your application and sentence.
Give Yourself the Best Chance of Success
Remember, you only get one chance to make an application for a Work Licence. Engaging AW Drink Driving Lawyers gives you security. Know you have given yourself the best chance for success.
Appearing In the Court Closest to You
We appear in all Courts throughout South East Queensland. We regularly appear from the Sunshine Coast to the Gold Coast and in and around Brisbane.
Experienced & Confident Lawyers for Work Licence Applications How To Apply for A Work Licence
Your lawyer will draft your affidavit material to demonstrate the following key requirements.
1. You Are a Fit & Proper Person to Hold a Restricted Work Licence
The Court will examine the circumstances of the offence against your driving history. They will then determine this by considering the safety of other road users and the public.
It is crucial to satisfy the Magistrate of this point, as otherwise, they cannot grant you a Work Licence.
If you believe you have a poor driving history, this does not necessarily mean you cannot get a Work Licence. We can review your history to first advise you on your prospects.
We have success with challenging applications.
2. You Will Suffer Extreme Hardship If Not Granted a Restricted Work Licence
You must also show that failing to grant your application would deprive you of the ability to earn a living. The Court will look at your finances and whether this would cause you, or your family, to suffer hardship. It is likely you will suffer hardship, if, without a Restricted licence:
- you would lose your job;
- you would lose your income; or
- your business would suffer significantly.
Generally, you must meet the below criteria to be eligible for a Restricted Work Licence. We can review your situation and let you know whether you are eligible to apply.
Call us today to discuss your application with an experienced driving lawyer. AW Drink Driving Lawyers are focused on results. Our lawyers are here if you would like:
- to know more about Work Licence Applications;
- to get legal advice on your situation; or
- to engage a lawyer to appear with you in Court.
Office Locations & Contact Details
Call us to speak with a highly skilled and passionate lawyer. We are happy to answer any of your questions.
Contact us
Driving Offence Lawyers
Services Our Law Firm Offers:
- Drink Driving Lawyers | Driving with A Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) | Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol (DUI) (DWI)
- Drug Driving Lawyers | Driving with A Relevant Drug Present in Your System | Driving While Under the Influence of a Drug (DUI) (DWI)
- Continue driving for work during your disqualification period for DUI. Our lawyers have a 100% application success rate.
- SHO | Continue driving after your licence is suspended for accumulation of demerit points or a high speed offence.
- Dangerous Driving Lawyers | Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle | Dangerous Driving Causing Death or Grievous Bodily Harm
- Disqualified Driving Lawyers | Driving Without a Licence | Driving on A Suspended Licence
- After 2 years you can apply for the removal of the disqualification of your licence.
- Type 1 & Type 2 Hooning Offences | Vehicle Impoundment | Vehicle Confiscation
- Careless Driving Lawyers | Driving Without Due Care & Attention
- Evade Police Lawyers | Fail to Stop